I was disappointed to read that Romans felt silk clothing was too revealing of women. During the first century C.E. Seneca the Younger wrote about how strangers on the street were seeing as much of a woman’s body as her own husband (Strayer, 2016, p. 287). It also makes me think back to reading about the caste system in India, where women of lower castes were not allowed to cover their breasts in the presence of members of higher castes as a sign of subordination (Strayer, 2011, p. 202).
It is not really either of the above examples that disappoints me. It is this idea that I had that the sexualization of the female form and condemnation of clothing was because of the puritanical roots of the society. Reading Strayer has made it abundantly clear that women have been shamed because of their bodies, and turned into sexual objects from a relatively early point in the history of civilization.
Certainly our global civilization has made great strides in women’s rights, we really haven’t come far enough. I can look at myself and see that I am doing very well, not for a woman but for anyone. I have an excellent job. I am the breadwinner in my home. I have a husband that cares for the children, and the home. His invisible labor supports my endeavors at work and in school, but I’m just one woman. It is disappointing to look at the timeline of civilization and see that in the end, most women are still looking around to see if they’re allowed to cover up their breasts.
Thanks for sharing these sad but informative historical facts about how women were portrayed and is very disappointing to hear, see, and imagine what women even still have to go through today. I appreciate your strengths and your family is I'm sure grateful for your perseverance for all you've done. I too agree that women's rights is still an uphill battle til this day and actions need to take place for all women to have equality they deserve. I grew up with powerful women in my life, so I understand the struggles, hard work, and dedication many women must go through in their lives as i want my daughters to be able to achieve equal success as men do too.