
Cosmic Period: This period starts 13.8 billion years ago when all matter came into existence. This is accepted scientific timeline. 

Paleolithic Period: 2.5 million years - 10,000 BCE 

Neolithic Period: This period starts between 10,000 and 8,000 BCE This 2,000 year span is sometimes recognized as a transition period between The Old Stone age and The New Stone age. The period lasted until around 3500 BCE. 

Ancient Period: 3500 BCE- 0-500 CE

Classical Period: The commonly accepted timeline of the Classical Period is 500-1500 CE

Modern Period- 1500 CE to present

eras of time classical time period after ancient

Ecozoic Period- This era has just started, and falls the geologic time period Cenozoic Era which started 66 million years ago. 

I arranged Cosmic, and Ecozoic periods into the timeline. I started off with the Cosmic period and ended with the Ecozoic. In terms of Big History, these are absolutely periods I would include. If I were looking at history just in terms of this planet, then I would not include the Cosmic era, and here is my reason. Each of the other eras is about major evolution in life on this planet. The Ecozoic Era reflects this as well, even if it is about how we’ve destroyed the planet with petrochemicals. 

As far as the origins of the Cosmic, Ecozoic, and Gaiac eras, this is what I understand. Cosmic Era is rightfully named as it represents the time period in cosmology when everything is happened. The Ecozoic Era is aptly named to reflect the major changes that the environment has undergone, and will continue to go through. I could not find a single piece of information about the Gaiac Era. I’m starting to think my professor made it up to see how the students would respond. 


  1. Hi Leslie,

    I think the Gaiac Era was the Paleolithic Era when their were very few humans and their impact on the environment was minimum. My timeline looks almost the same as yours, it seems like we agree.
    I wish the best to you in your classes,


    1. Hi Claudia, I was happy to see that we had come to such similar conclusions on our timeline. After the professors post about the Gaiac era I feel like I missed such an easy cue. I assumed that Gaia had something to do with "Mother Earth" but didn't want to assume. It is helpful to add the Gaiac era into my timeline of understanding now. It makes a lot of sense since we are looking at Big History.


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