Research Project Presentation: Home Office Edition

What's up history class! I hope you all had a really great weekend, and I'm looking forward to watching everyone's videos. I've enjoyed all of your blogs so much. Here's the link to my presentation. 


  1. Leslie! Admiring you for your dedication to Human rights! You video came out great. Thank you for sharing it with us. It was great reading your blogs as well. I learned a lot from you.

    I wish you lots of luck today and always.


    1. Sarita, thank you so much! I enjoyed reading all of your blogs, and wish for you great things in this coming academic year. Thank you for helping me learn about big history and how it impacts us today!

  2. Hi Leslie,

    First off I just want to say its been fun especially during our back and forth convos throughout the history class. Your video is very informative and this was a lot that I didn't know about which so I learned a lot from just this alone. Thanks for the suggestions and your letter is so thoroughly written. Also love the book shelf and pictures/art in the background as well. Good luck and see you on graduation day! Be safe and take care.

    -Oliver Q.
    (p.s. I love all the pics you include in your blogs, haha so good)

    1. Oliver, you made this class so much fun for me! The interaction was great, and you really challenged me to think about alternative points of views and my own for that matter. I'm so happy you like my office. I just moved in this last winter, and only finally set the office up in March. Art is a really therapeutic thing for me, so it's all over my house. The big painting in the background is Guerrilla Gorilla. I have a tattoo of him on my arm too. I can't wait to walk at graduation with you, good luck this year!

      Cheers, Leslie

  3. Leslie,

    Awesome and very informative video! It's very apparent that you are knowledgeable and passionate about this topic, and it is very inspiring to see. I learned a lot from this video, as well as your blogs! Wish you the best of luck in your school journey!


  4. Leslie,

    Thank you for your presentation and thank you for your service and for protecting our country!!! I hadn't read too much besides maybe a couple headlines regarding China and its Uyghur prison camps. This topic is very upsetting and I agree with your comparisons of what happened in Germany. My wife's grandmother was a Jewish woman who escaped the Auschwitz imprisonment camp, so this topic does hit a little closer to home. One thing that worries me is the CCP's experimental infatuation it seems. History of organ harvesting and those kind of things are also very scary. I just feel that their motive can be so unknown and scary. I hope that your letter makes a difference and that this situation gets under control ASAP!!! Thank you so much again!


    1. Tony, thank you so much and I appreciate you sharing about your grandmother in-law. When I hear it in terms of a grandmother, WWII doesn't seem that far in the past. It is so easy for people to say things happened a long time ago. What is a long time ago in the scale of things? From Hong Kong to Xinjiang, China is testing the limits of what the world will tolerate. I don't feel that sanctions on an entire country are productive, but I do think that applying pressure to individual companies can produce great. I'll be watching this situation closely to see what happens and what measures are applied. Best of luck this coming year!




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